The BUX Blog is a hub for instruction, case studies, and international perspectives on cycling experience.
For 5 years, the Bicycle User Experience (BUX) Blog has collected stories, shown examples, and piloted methods on cycling experience. We have explored how to make cycling infrastructure that people will use, detailed concrete approaches to research community cycling needs, and looked at international cases through the end user's perspective.
We now bring this content to you in practical blog categories:
Cases: Case studies of BUX methods around the world.
Mini Lessons: Mini lessons on user experience and making cycling for everyone.
News: Updates, announcements and the latest news at BUX.
Reviews: Reviews about cycling infrastructure manuals, practical designs, and knowledge materials.
Stories: International perspectives, research, and personal stories on cycling experience.
With this new format, it is now easier to learn how to design bikeways from the end user's perspective. 🚶 🚲
Interested in expanding your cycling knowledge further? BUX offers online and in-person courses.
Have your own case or story to share? We feature stories from around the world. Pitch us your blog post.